Saturday, April 23, 2011

Brancaccio lies again: This blog "broke the news as to why Jacks resigned." Not you, Lou... and not your rag.

I almost upchucked all over my keyboard when I read this lie:

 I always do smile a little when folks say "shame on us" for asking that you pay for a service that costs us money to produce. That's the news. Can you think of any other business that gets this "shame on us" stuff for trying to stay in business?
No, this first column you see here is not some sort of advertisement for Sunday's column. This column broke the news as to why Jacks resigned. Did you not read that?

On Sunday, we're providing more detail on the interview and -- yes -- we're asking people to buy the newspaper on Sunday to get it.

Shame on us? I'm wondering what job the person who said that is in. And did you provide your service for free?
(Columbian Staff) — April 23, 2011 at 4:15 p.m. ( | suggest removal ) | Ignore User )

Except, of course, for one thing.
Why Brancaccio, who reads this blog perhaps more than I do, has to lie about this is a mystery.  I broke the story... not him.  And I broke it a month ago, when I had the verified facts to publish it.
I'll wait for your correction, Lou.  But to acknowledge yet again that I scooped you and your despicable stain on journalism requires a level of honor you have repeatedly shown yourself incapable of achieving.

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