Friday, May 20, 2011

The Sellwood message and C-Tran screwing the people.

Look. We know what the deal is.

Leavitt lied to get elected by defrauding the voters over the tolling issue, something I repeatedly warned people about.

Stuart lied by claiming we would have a county wide vote on loot rail this November.

But then reality set in. These people know we hate the idea, hate the tens of millions they have wasted and the hundreds of millions they want to waste.  And they made the decision to screw us all sideways. 

Leavitt promised to use his "block veto." Stuart, who suddenly claimed to have found the religion of listening to his constituents, failed to inform Leavitt that anything less then a county wide vote would be unacceptable... and that the county would exercise their veto on anything less.

Leavitt would have blinked, if for no other reason then his well-established lack of character.

So now, we're stuck with a C-Trans that believes us to be stupid, much like they apparently believe the voters who crushed the Sellwood Bridge fee to be stupid.
Should the C-Tran vote fail, Boyd said there are other options to come up with the $1 million a year it needs to operate a light rail line.

Still, she said the Clackamas vote was a sign “we need to do a much better job explaining what this means to people,” like jobs during and after construction and setting the stage for regional growth
"Boyd" refers to the latest in the string of arrogant, ignorant beaureaucrats who are here to help ram this thing down our throats.

The above is a sample of the arrogance in question.

First of all, we don't believe you.  Leavitt has already lied to us about issues related to CTrans... as has Stuart.

Second, this presupposes that the voters smart enough to crush that effort were not aware of the ramifications of their vote.

Third, this scam will do nothing to assist in some nebulous "regional growth."  And we don't care about adding a bunch of over-priced jobs that increase the costs beyond any reasonable level for a project we don't want, need or can afford... paid for with our money extorted out of our wallets.

We are smart enough.  And we're sick of it.

So, what they are going to do is stall long enough to gerrymander a district that will, once again, cut out tens of thousands of voters from having a say on this crap pile will simultaneously making sure that every major retailer in Clark County is included in their district so they can force us to pay for it.

That's what they've done in the past... and that's what they'll do in the future.  Because all the eyewash from Stuart notwithstanding, he won't do a damned thing to stop them, since that is what he wants.
C-Tran takes note as Oregon voters reject vehicle fee hike
Strategy of asking people countywide to support Sellwood project fails

By Andrea Damewood

Columbian Staff Reporter
Friday, May 20, 2011

The result of Tuesday’s vote in Clackamas County, Ore., wasn’t good news for proponents of replacing the aging Sellwood Bridge — and the outcome is also something that C-Tran and Columbia River Crossing officials are keeping in mind.

In a countywide vote, Clackamas voters rejected a $5 annual vehicle registration fee 63 percent to 37 percent, blowing a $22 million hole in the project’s $290 million budget.

While the Sellwood project doesn’t include transit, the vote could be fodder in discussions of C-Tran’s 2012 sales tax vote on light rail and bus rapid transit — such as whether to make the vote districtwide or part of a smaller subdistrict.

“(Tuesday’s vote) certainly appeared to be an issue where a lot of the people in Clackamas County looked at this as a project that benefitted not very many people, and primarily in Portland,” said Scott Patterson, public information officer and public affairs director for C-Tran. “When you go out for a countywide vote for what looks like more of a local arterial bridge, there’s not as much direct connection with it” for more rural voters.
More babble from CTrans as they get ready to ram it in and break it off.

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